Numer (58) 4/2023

1. Soufiane Boukarta
Impact of climate change by 2100 on the microclimate of public place
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-08

2. Michał Golański
Analogue and computational form-finding techniques in design shell structures
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-09

3. Michał Golański
Reinterpretation of traditional carpentry joints in contemporary wooden architecture
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-10

4. Justyna Juchimiuk
Application of CFD analysis tools in architectural design in context of climate change – Part 1
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-11

5. Justyna Juchimiuk
Application of CFD analysis tools in architectural design in context of climate change – Part 2
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-12

6. Romuald Loegler
Cracow – a city between tradition and modernity
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-13

7. Katarzyna Markowska, Jarosław Szewczyk
Painted village of Długosiodło
DOI: 10.24427/aea-2023-vol15-13